Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Christmas in January?

You have to hand it to House (Tuesdays on FOX). Who else could pull off doing a Christmas episode nearly a month into the new year? With House scoring the primo post-Super Bowl spot this Sunday, it was only natural the network would pull the fresh ep from the end of last year and put it in a position to promote Feb 3rd's Super Stunt-casted ep with Mira Sorvino (the original proposed Super Ep was postponed, as it apparently still needed rewrites, and therefore was not ready to film, at the time the writers went on strike). Holiday disorientation aside, I'll take a good new episode of House any time of year, no matter how badly the episode is timed in relation to real life. It is, after all, just television. Right?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

The Oscar® nominations just came out last week, and I have already seen three of the Best Picture nominees: Atonement, Juno, and There Will Be Blood. Usually I find myself playing catch-up after the announcements. Given my good foresight, I wonder if I should rush to go see one of the other must-see films--Michael Clayton and No Country for Old Men. Or, since I am so far ahead of schedule, if I should say the heck with it, and go see Cloverfield, which is getting excellent reviews, though the likelihood of it making next year's ballot is somewhere between slim and none. (Come on. I am not being harsh. No one releases a movie in January that they think will be the next Great American Movie.) Will let you know what I think of Cloverfield.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We've Got Weather!

Note: Those of you who live in Southern CA will know exactly what I am talking about. The rest of you, this is just how the weather works over on the left coast...

Stormwatch 2008. It's very exciting! Yes, really. It is. And if you don't think rain is news, then you must not live in Los Angeles.

The people who seem to benefit the most from rain in So Cal? The newscasters, of course. It's almost like they're happy it's wet and there's gridlock, and they can interview people on the street, asking them why they do or do not have an umbrella. It's something different, and we like different. We're spoiled. We have sunshine at least 335 days a year. And anything that differs from it, becomes the top story of the day.

In any other part of the country, rain isn't really news. It probably shouldn't really be news here either, but, shh ... don't tell anyone. If it gives the LA newscasters something to talk about besides the war, the election, crime, slow speed car chases, and the latest health craze, then, we'll just let them have their fun.

Now, a snowstorm. Well, that's another story altogether.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's a Blog World

Many thanks to Helen Jupiter and Gerald Jones for all of their insights into the world of blogging at yesterday's IWOSC seminar. For more info about the seminar, check out Gerald's Post.

Happy Blogging,