Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We've Got Weather!

Note: Those of you who live in Southern CA will know exactly what I am talking about. The rest of you, this is just how the weather works over on the left coast...

Stormwatch 2008. It's very exciting! Yes, really. It is. And if you don't think rain is news, then you must not live in Los Angeles.

The people who seem to benefit the most from rain in So Cal? The newscasters, of course. It's almost like they're happy it's wet and there's gridlock, and they can interview people on the street, asking them why they do or do not have an umbrella. It's something different, and we like different. We're spoiled. We have sunshine at least 335 days a year. And anything that differs from it, becomes the top story of the day.

In any other part of the country, rain isn't really news. It probably shouldn't really be news here either, but, shh ... don't tell anyone. If it gives the LA newscasters something to talk about besides the war, the election, crime, slow speed car chases, and the latest health craze, then, we'll just let them have their fun.

Now, a snowstorm. Well, that's another story altogether.

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