Friday, February 20, 2009

A Healthy Energy Solution for Creative People … Started by a Creative Person

Screenwriter Declan Daly became a writer by accident.

“When I first got out of college I took a temp job working for a finance company,” he recalls. “One day, we were talking about people we dated in college. I told my story, and someone had said that it should be a movie.” The idea appealed to Daly, so he started reading screenwriting books at lunch, and then working on the screenplay when he had down time in the afternoons. He was writing a romantic comedy, and “fell in love with writing” in the process.

“I love the rush when you randomly come up with ideas that move your story forward,” he says.

At the time, Daly worked across the street from the World Trade Center. After 9/11, he realized life was too short, and left his unfulfilling finance job and did some soul searching. “I wrote a screenplay that I am currently trying to produce myself about being single in New York City. I took a temp job with an ad agency, since I was around some creative people, then ended up then at a fragrance company working as a sales analyst.”

It was during the time of writing and working full-time that Daly came up with the idea for Foculate.

“A lot of writers I knew talked about how they were so mentally fatigued by the time they had a chance to write that they ended up writing garbage,” he explains. “A lot of them would take drastic measures to try to get into the zone, such as massive amounts of coffee, prescription drugs, or a smorgasbord of herbal supplements. It just left them jittery and even in a worse state. All the energy in the world isn't any good if it isn't focused.

“It's like trying to stab a cereal box with a spoon: all the force in the world won’t pierce it,” he elaborates. “But if you use a knife when attacking a cereal box, then it's focused and much more effective.”

Daly took the idea of finding a focused, comprehensive energy supplement, and talked to some venture capitalists. “We searched out the top experts in nutrition and health. We spoke to nutritionists, doctors, herbalists, you-name-it, to finally come up with the formula to create a focused energy, without the jitters, that increases blood flow to the brain so that you are at your top capability when need be. It also has a cumulative effect so that you are much sharper the more you take it.”

So, by becoming a writer by accident, Daly helped create something for those writers who fell into the field on purpose. And, as a writer, Daly knows what writers need. “A lot of writers block is stress and anxiety, so we added some herbal ingredients so you are in a much calmer state of mind,” Daly says. “And it also infuses you with energy and focus.

“My cousin's boyfriend in Ireland is a professional screenwriter,” Daly relays. “He had a deadline for a rewrite and had horrible writers block. I sent him over a bottle and he broke through the block and said it was his best draft that he could possibly imagine.”

For more information on Foculate,

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